do the red thing

Posted by poeticnook on 10/30/2007 11:24:00 PM in
tonight we had to walk for our free dinner. i was about to faint three fourths up the hill but then i heard cars and i knew paved road is just around the corner. it was an adventure to follow trails where no high heels have ever stepped on, and the magnificent view at the end is more than enough to compensate for the blisters on my feet.

this morning was a day of transitions and trepidations, closing down and moving on to something new, it was filled with mixed emotions. going home, i stopped by pheng's place to get the box where i'll be putting the rest of my stuff in. i'll be shipping them home so i would be travelling light when i return. i'm still deciding if i want to come back, is it worth it? i don't really know.

a package greeted me when i slumped on the sofa, utterly full and exhausted at the same time. it's bright red and shiny, a gift from a friend. now i can sleep and cast my worries aside, i have a new toy to keep me occupied =)


more tiff exploit

Posted by poeticnook on 10/29/2007 11:30:00 AM in
okay now an easier way to jaibreak / activate / unlock otb 1.1.1 iphones. yeah it's not good that there's a big security hole in mobilesafari. so this should be fixed soon by apple. enjoy it while it lasts and be careful where you browse.

credits are due to all hackers who worked on this including but not limited to the following: hdm/metasploit, rezn, dinopio, drudge, kroo, pumpkin, davidc, dunham, and NerveGas

here's the short guide:
1. otb 1.1.1
2. strong wifi connection

1. Dial *#307# and press call
2. Erase the numbers previously typed then Dial '0' and press call
3. iPhone will ring, pick up and put on hold.
4. iPhone will ring again, decline the call.
5. Go to contacts, create a new contact and add the following url:
5.1 prefs://1F
5.2 http://jailbreakme.com
6. Selecting the first url will allow you to go to Preference screen to select a wifi network to connect to. Select General > Autolock > Never while on the Settings page.
7. Selecting the second url will bring you to the jailbreak page in mobilesafari, install appsnap and wait till it restarts the iphone.
8. upgrade installer.app, install community sources, add http://rep.frenchiphone.com
9. refresh sources, install bsd subsystem and anysim 1.1
10. remove at&t simcard, insert sim of choice.
11. run anysim 1.1
12. done!

look! no computer and no cables ^_^


sharing birthdays

Posted by poeticnook on 10/28/2007 11:47:00 AM
last saturday i turned another year older. i shared cake billing with my manager and my uncle and my three colleagues who were also celebrating their birthdays in october. some people seem to think that as you grow older, you think less about gifts and focus more on the intangible melodramatic introspection crap. on the contrary, i love receiving gifts. so if you still havent bought me any, you should start shopping now, bwahahaha *_* my wishlist includes an ultraportable and a trip to europe, i also accept cash in any currency hehehe


iphone mis/adventure

Posted by poeticnook on 10/25/2007 03:04:00 AM in
okay, what sane person would stay up til 3am fuzzing over basebands and nordumps? those who iunlocked the iphone v1.0.2 like me. well since i was feeling bored and brave, i decided to go ahead and upgrade to 1.1.1. but of course not before reflashing the baseband to original out-of-the-box state. well here are the steps, in case others want to take the plunge too, caution this is concise and not idiot proof:

1. iunlocked / anysim unlocked iphone 1.0.2 with your choice of sim

1. preparing the iphone tools
1.1 restore to 1.0.2 through itunes
1.2 jailbreak through winstaller
1.3 activate through pacay by brasuco
1.4 install mobile terminal vsvn198 and binkit through ibrickr
1.5 set iphone to setting > general > autulock > never

2. start baseband reflash to factory settings
2.1 upload kengz pack to iphone using ibrickr (path: /usr/bbreflash)
2.2 open mobile terminal and execute the following commands:
cd /usr/bbreflash
chmod 755 *
launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.CommCenter.plist
./norz seczone.backup 0x3FA000 0x2000
./iUnlock ICE03.14.08_G.fls eliteloader.bin
./bbupdater -v
./bbupdater -f ICE03.14.08_G.fls -e ICE03.14.08_G.eep
./bbupdater -v
launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.CommCenter.plist

2.3 exit to springboard and check that it displays no service.
2.4 save seczone.backup in a secure place, you might need it someday

3. upgrading
3.1 update to 1.1.1 through itunes
3.2 jailbreak and activate through carnaval by brasuco

4. unlocking
4.1 go to installer.app and add this source url: http://rep.frenchiphone.com
4.2 install bsd subsystem and anysim 1.1p
4.3 run anysim 1.1


credits to dev team, elite team, brasuco, kengz, ppc_hhvn, karljung and the hackint0sh community.

note: this method does not use winscp, ssh, bsd and the rest of the acronyms.


the lone star state

Posted by poeticnook on 10/15/2007 05:16:00 PM in
last october 5 to 8 was thanksgiving weekend in canada, families are supposed to stay home and have dinner together. my cousins planned to bring their beaus to re introduce to their parents and make an elaborate celebration out of it so of course i had to book the first flight out, that's my escape mechanism - going on a trip.

everything is big in texas, so they say.

jake, mavic, chard and i left work early last friday to board the shuttle to seatac and proceed on our plane to dallas fort worth. unfortunately, we got stuck in traffic and missed our flight by 5 minutes so we spent the night sleepless in seattle, but at marriott no less, and caught the first flight out which was at 8am.

dallas is a sweltering 32 degrees, i actually got two shades darker after the trip. we arrived at 2pm and drove down to san antonio to raid the outlet malls and sample the tex-mex barbecue dinner at the river walk. our hotel room had a magnificent view of the city from the 33rd floor. the next day, we walked along the alamo and took some touristy pics before we ran off to catch the tram tours at the nasa space center in houston. i wanted to buy the shirt that said "failure is not an option" but then i was distracted by all the other items that i ended up buying nothing at all. we slept sunday night off at jake's sis' place in allen, and monday morning was spent looking for cash machines to spew out more $$$ to be burned in nike and tommy. dusk found us eating pizza at the greyhound station in downtown seattle, waiting for our ride back home. this has got to be one of the seediest places i've seen in this part of town. at the back of my mind i was hearing simon and garfunkel's "america".

finally, my blankets and the leftover thanksgiving turkey welcomed me home on tuesday 3am. despite being sleep deprived and broke, this trip is not to be missed. ^_^


girl interrupted

Posted by poeticnook on 10/14/2007 10:43:00 PM
"we all need to be a little crazy to be sane."

while helping my cousin do her apa formatted paper, we caught this rerun on ctv. i remember this movie was my favorite back in college. the characters are very much like the people i met and hanged out with back then. yeah we were all crazy and inebriated. angsty and immature. thinking we could change the world but the world changed us. softened our souls, hardened our hearts.

ambivalent. that's how i feel right now. torn by two strong forces into opposite directions. which path to choose? which fork to take? hmm, tough times ahead. especially when my bank accounts are not cooperating.

i wish time would give me a day to go back to that one moment. i miss the feeling of being carefree and irresponsible. just throwing caution to the wind and going to where the wind blows. there's too much at stake now, i can't slack off. the world is waiting.


nothing ever moves without being pushed

Posted by poeticnook on 10/03/2007 10:14:00 PM
finally i've decided to stop rattling the skeletons in my closet and just let them go. i don't have the time nor the energy to pull floating bodies from the mud that they chose to immerse themselves in. i can only repeat myself as much as the next person, i don't have unlimited patience, optimism is not my middle name, i am fallible. and yet, despite these faults, i know when its time to move on.

i'm just tired of making people see beyond their own little bubble. i get too involved in their problems that i forget i have issues of my own to take care of.

so today, i decided it's time i start rearranging the way i live my life and cross out the things that ceased to become possibilities for me and just focus on the ones that are more likely to be reality.

1. i won't be an astronaut, okay i've had this dream since i was 4 when i first watched the lunar landing on our monochrome tv, but now that i'm finally going to visit NASA this weekend, i realized i'll never be one of them. i don't know the difference between polymer synthesis and olefin metathesis reaction; neither do i care. anyway, i can still go on a space shuttle as a tourist like that guy who made ubuntu. hooray computer geeks!

2. our project is not gonna make it for october release, no matter how long i stay at work trying to fix all the environment issues and trace where the messages are getting lost. that's actually good, i can sleep for more than 4 hours now. its going in on the first week of november anyway, so it won't jeopardize my travel plans.

3. some people are never gonna love me the way i want them to. might as well let them be. there might be someone better out there for me, someone to say hi to late at night, someone to watch over me, or if not, life goes on. not my loss.

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